
A lightweight, powerful and simple photo gallery for the web.

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Awesome Gallery - The gallery of awesome!

This project has initially started as a simple experiment with jQuery and its effects module, when I first started mastering jQuery about 2 years ago. Later on that year, I have participated in an MDN challenge on CSS media queries, when I have attempted to optimize the layout for a few screen sizes, which I did not really do well at. However, my friends liked it since, it featured a number of photo transition effects (this time using CSS3), as well as cool geo-tagging and photo capture through your web cam or mobile camera. All of this was done using open web technologies!

Last summer, I have been selected for an internship at the ICT Faculty of the University of Malta, where I have been assigned a website, in which, I have embedded an improved version of the same gallery and my boss liked it. My co-worker was impressed too! It is still a work in progress, needing fixes, testing and porting over old fancy features through plugins, so I would appreciate if you file an issue or send a pull request.